Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts

Article 1. Scope of Application

  1. Any contract for accommodation (hereinafter called the “Accommodation Contract”) and its related agreements to be entered into by and between our hotel (hereinafter called the “Hotel”) and a guest (hereinafter called the “Guest”) shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts (hereinafter called the “Terms”). Any matters not stipulated in the Terms shall be subject to the laws and regulations, etc. of Japan (which shall mean applicable laws and regulations or any rules based on such laws and regulations; The same shall apply hereinafter) and/or generally accepted practices.
  2. If the Hotel and the Guest agrees to any special provision insofar as such special provision does not breach the above laws, regulations, rules and practices, such special provision shall prevail over the Terms, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph.

Article 2. Application for the Accommodation Contract

  1. Any person who intends to make an application as the Guest for the Accommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following matters.

    • (1) Name of the Guest;
    • (2) Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival;
    • (3) Accommodation charges (based on the Basic Accommodation Charges specified in the Table 1 attached to the Terms, in principle,);and
    • (4) Other matters which the Hotel considers to be necessary.

  2. If the Guest makes a request to the Hotel, during his/her stay in the Hotel, for an extension of his/her accommodation (period of stay) beyond the date set forth in the item (2) of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall handle such request as if the Guest applied for a new Accommodation Contract at the time of such request.
  3. The Hotel may use any personal information of the Guest or other person obtained by the Hotel in accordance with its “Privacy Policy”.

Article 3. Conclusion of the Accommodation Contract

  1. The Accommodation Contract shall be deemed to have been concluded at the time when the Hotel has accepted the application of the Guest set forth in the preceding article unless the Hotel proves that the Hotel has not accepted such application.
  2. If the Accommodation Contract has been concluded between the Hotel and the Guest in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Guest shall pay to the Hotel an application fee designated by the Hotel (hereinafter called the “Deposit”) within the limits of the basic accommodation charges for his/her period of stay ( or for 3 days if the period of stay exceeds 3 days) by the due date designated by the Hotel.
  3. The Deposit shall be first applied to the accommodation charges to be finally paid by the Guest. If any event covered by the provisions of the Article 6 occurs, the Deposit shall be secondly applied to the cancellation charges, and if any event covered by the provisions of the Article 18 occurs, the Deposit shall be thirdly applied to the damage compensation. Then, if any remainder exists after the above applications, the Hotel shall refund such remainder to the Guest at the time of payment of the accommodation charges set forth in the Article 12.
  4. If the Guest fails to pay the Deposit set forth in the paragraph 2 by the due date designated by the Hotel in accordance with the provisions of such paragraph, the Accommodation Contract shall become invalid. However, this paragraph shall apply only if the Hotel notifies the Guest of such payment due date.

Article4. Special Provision Not Requiring the Guest to Pay the Deposit

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the paragraph 2 of the preceding article, the Hotel may agree to a special provision not requiring the Guest to pay the Deposit set forth in such paragraph after the conclusion of the Accommodation Contract, as the case may be.
  2. In accepting an application for the Accommodation Contract, if the Hotel does not request the Guest to pay the Deposit set forth in the paragraph 2 of the preceding article, or if the Hotel does not designate the payment due date of such Deposit, the Hotel shall be deemed to have agreed to the special provision set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Article 4-2. Request for Cooperation for Infection Prevention Measures in the Facilities
The Hotel may request any person who intends to stay in the Hotel as the Guest to cooperate with the Hotel in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph 1 of the article 4-2 of the Hotel Business Act of Japan (Act No. 138 of 1948).

Article 5. Refusal of Execution of the Accommodation Contract

In any of the following cases, the Hotel may not agree to the execution of the Accommodation Contract with the Guest.

  1. If the application for accommodation is not made in accordance with the Terms;
  2. If the Hotel is fully booked and no room is available;
  3. If the Hotel considers that a person intending to stay in the Hotel as the Guest may perform any act contrary to the provisions of the laws and regulations or public order or good morals in relation to his/her accommodation;
  4. If the Hotel considers that a person intending to stay in the Hotel as the Guest falls under any of the following items;

    • An organized crime group set forth in the item 2 of the article 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter called the “Organized Crime Group”) or a member of the Organized Crime Group set forth in the item 6 of the article 2 of such Act (hereinafter called the “Organized Crime Group Member”), quasi member of the Organized Crime Group, person related to the Organized Crime Group or any other anti-social forces;
    • A corporation or other entity whose business activities are controlled by the Organized Crime Group or the Organized Crime Group Member; or
    • A corporation whose executive officer falls under the Organized Crime Group Member.

  5. If a person intending to stay in the Hotel as the Guest expresses any words or behaviors which cause significant troubles or problems to other Guests;
  6. If a person intending to stay in the Hotel as the Guest is a patient, etc. of a specific infectious disease set forth in the item 2 of the paragraph 1 of the article 4-2 of the Hotel Business Act (hereinafter called the “Patient with Specific Infection”);
  7. If a person intending to stay in the Hotel as the Guest makes a violent demand or requests the Hotel to assume any burden beyond the reasonable scope in relation to accommodation (unless such person requests the Hotel to remove a social barrier set forth in the paragraph 2 of the article 7 or the paragraph 2 of the article 8 of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Act No. 65 of 2013; hereinafter called the “AEDPD”));
  8. If a person intending to stay in the Hotel as the Guest repeatedly performs any act set forth in the article 5-6 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Hotel Business Act against the Hotel as a demand which requires the Hotel to assume an excessive burden and which may significantly interfere with the Hotel’s provision of services relating to the accommodation to other Guests; or
  9. If the Hotel may not accept any application for accommodation due to natural disasters, failure or problems of its facilities or other inevitable reasons.
  10. Article 5-2. Explanation on Refusal of Execution of the Accommodation Contract
    If the Hotel refuses to execute the Accommodation Contract with a person intending to stay in the Hotel as the Guest in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article, such person may request the Hotel to explain the reasons for it.

Article 6. Guest’s Right to Cancel the Accommodation Contact

  1. The Guest may cancel the Accommodation Contract by notifying the Hotel of it.
  2. If the Guest cancels all or any part of the Accommodation Contract due to reasons attributable to the Guest, such Guest shall pay to the Hotel the cancellation charges set forth in the Table 2 (except in the case where the Hotel requests the Guest to pay the Deposit by designating its payment due date in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph 2 of the Article 3 and the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract before making such payment). However, if the Hotel agrees to the special provision set forth in the paragraph 1 of the Article 4, such obligation to pay the cancellation charges shall apply to the Guest only if the Hotel has notified such Guest of such payment obligation in agreeing to such special provision.
  3. If the Guest fails to arrive at the Hotel by 8:00 p.m. of the date of accommodation (or 3 hours after the time of arrival expressed by the Guest in advance to the Hotel), the Hotel may consider that such Accommodation Contract has been cancelled by such Guest.

Article 7. Hotel’s Right to Cancel the Accommodation Contact

  1. In any of the followings cases, the Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract.

    • (1) If the Hotel considers that the Guest may perform any act contrary to the provisions of the laws and regulations or public order or good morals in relation to his/her accommodation or that the Guest has performed such act;
    • (2) If he Hotel considers that the Guest falls under any of the following items;

      • The Organized Crime Group, Organized Crime Group Member, quasi member of the Organized Crime Group, person related to the Organized Crime Group or any other anti-social forces;
      • A corporation or other entity whose business activities are controlled by the Organized Crime Group or the Organized Crime Group Member; or
      • A corporation whose executive officer falls under the Organized Crime Group Member.

    • (3) If the Guest expresses any words or behaviors which cause significant troubles or problems to other Guests;
    • (4) If the Guest is the Patient with Specific Infection;
    • (5) If the Guest makes a violent demand or requests the Hotel to assume any burden beyond the reasonable scope in relation to his/her accommodation (unless such Guest requests the Hotel to remove a social barrier set forth in the paragraph 2 of the article 7 or the paragraph 2 of the article 8 of the AEDPD);
    • (6) If the Guest repeatedly performs any act set forth in the article 5-6 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Hotel Business Act against the Hotel as a demand which requires the Hotel to assume an excessive burden and which may significantly interfere with the Hotel’s provision of services relating to the accommodation to other Guests; or
    • (7) If the Hotel may not allow the Guest to stay in the Hotel due to any force majeure events such as natural disasters; or
    • (8) If the Guest smokes in the bedroom, plays any tricks on fire protection equipment, etc. or fails to comply with the prohibited matters of the Terms of Use established by the Hotel (only limited to the matters necessary for fire protection).

  2. If the Hotel cancels the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall not request the Guest to pay the accommodation charges or other fees for the services not received by such Guest from the Hotel.

Article 7-2. Explanation on Refusal of Execution of the Accommodation Contract
If the Hotel cancels the Accommodation Contract with the Guest pursuant to the provisions of the preceding article, such Guest may request the Hotel to explain the reasons for it.

Article 8. Registration of the Guest

  1. The Guest shall register the following matters at the front desk of the Hotel on the date of accommodation.

    • (1) Name, address and contact information of the Guest;
    • (2) Nationality and passport number (if the Guest is a foreign national not residing in Japan);
    • (3) Date of departure and estimated time of departure; and
    • (4) Other matters which the Hotel considers to be necessary.

  2. If the Guest intends to pay the accommodation charges set forth in the Article 12 by any means other than Japanese currency such as traveler’s checks, accommodation coupons or credit card, the Guest shall present them to the Hotel in advance at the time of registration set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Article 9. Available Time of Guest Room

  1. The Guest may use a guest room of the Hotel from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. on the following day. However, if Guest continues to stay in the Hotel, the Guest may use his/her guest room all day long except for the date of arrival and the date of departure.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may allow the Guest to use the guest room beyond the time of use set forth in the preceding paragraph. In such case, the Guest shall pay the following additional charges to the Hotel.

    • (1) Up to 3 extra hours (12:00): 30% of the room charges
    • (2) Up to 6 extra hours (15:00): 50% of the room charges
    • (3) Up to 8 extra hours (17:00): 100% of the room charges

Article 10. Compliance with the Terms of Use

The Guest shall comply with the Terms of Use established by the Hotel and posted in the Hotel.

Article 11. Business Hours

The business hours of the main facilities, etc. of the Hotel are specified in its pamphlets, notices posted by the Hotel in its facilities and service directories in each guest room, etc.

Article 12. Payment of Accommodation Charges

  1. The breakdown of the accommodation charges, etc. to be paid by the Guest to the Hotel shall be as specified in the Table 1.
  2. The Guest shall pay the accommodation charges, etc. set forth in the preceding paragraph in Japanese currency or by other means such as traveler’s checks, accommodation coupons or credit card which the Hotel accepts at the front desk at the time of departure of the Guest or upon request of the Hotel.
  3. Even if Guest does not stay in the Hotel at his/her discretion after the Hotel provides the Guest with a guest room and makes it available to the Guest, the Guest shall pay the accommodation charges to the Hotel.
  4. The Hotel may request the Guest to pay the accommodation charges in checking in at the Hotel if the Guest leaves the Hotel in the early morning of the following day.

Article 13. Liability of the Hotel

  1. If the Hotel causes any damage to the Guest in performing the Accommodation Contract or its related agreements or due to failure of such performance, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for such damage unless such damage is caused by the reasons not attributable to the Hotel.
  2. The Hotel has liability insurance for hotels in order to deal with fire or other accidents.

Article 14. Measures for the Hotel’s Failure to Provide a Contracted Guest Room

  1. If the Hotel may not provide the Guest with a guest room under the Accommodation Contract, the Hotel shall introduce to the Guest other accommodation facility whose terms and conditions are the same as those of the Hotel as much as possible after obtaining the consent of the Guest.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Hotel may not introduce other accommodation facility to the Guest, the Hotel shall pay to the Guest compensation equivalent to the cancellation charges and such compensation shall be applied to damage compensation. However, if the Hotel may not provide the Guest with a guest room due to the reasons not attributable to the Hotel, the Hotel shall not pay such compensation to the Guest.

Article 15. Handling of Deposited Goods

  1. If any goods, cash or valuables deposited by the Guest with the front desk incurs any damage including loss and breakage, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for such damage unless such damage is caused by force majeure. However, in regard to cash or valuables, if the Hotel requests the Guest to declare their type and value and the Guest fails to make such declaration, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for such damage within the limits of 30,000 Japanese Yen.
  2. If any goods, cash or valuables brought into the Hotel and not deposited by the Guest with the front desk incurs any damage including loss and breakage by intent or negligence of the Hotel, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for such damage. However, if the Guest fails to declare their type and value in advance, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for such damage within the limits of 10,000 Japanese Yen unless such damage is caused by intent or gross negligence of the Hotel.

Article 16. Storage of Baggage or Personal Belongings of the Guest

  1. If the Guest’s baggage arrives at the Hotel before his/her arrival at the Hotel, the Hotel shall store it under its responsibility only if the Hotel accepts such storage before his/her arrival. The Hotel shall hand such baggage over to the Guest at the time of his/her check-in at the front desk.
  2. If the Guest’s baggage or personal belongings are left behind in the Hotel after his/her check-out and the owner of such goods is identified, the Hotel shall inform such owner of it and requests such owner to give instructions to the Hotel. If the owner fails to give such instructions, or if the owner is not identified, the Hotel shall hand over valuables to its nearest police station within 7 days including the day of finding or dispose of any goods other than valuables 4 months after the day of finding. However, in regard to any foods, drinks, magazines, goods which may cause damage to the hygienic environment or other wastes, the Hotel may dispose of them on the day following the day of finding.
  3. In regard to the Hotel’s liability for the storage of the Guest’s baggage or personal belongings set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, in the case set forth in the paragraph 1, the provisions of the paragraph 1 of the preceding article shall apply and in the case set forth in the paragraph 2, the provisions of the paragraph 2 of the preceding article shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 17. Liability for Parking

If the Guest uses the parking lot of the Hotel, the Hotel lends such parking space to the Guest and shall not be liable for the management of the Guest’s vehicle, regardless of whether the Guest deposits a key for such vehicle to with the front desk. However, if the Hotel causes any damage to the Guest by intent or negligence in managing such parking lot, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for such damage.

Article 18. Guest’s Liability

Table 1: Breakdown of the Accommodation Charges, etc. (relating to the paragraph 1 of the Article 2 and the paragraph 1 of the Article 12)

Total amount to be paid by the Guest Details
Accommodation charges Basic accommodation charges (room charge + fees for foods and drinks) (A service charge is included in the above basic charges.)
Additional charges Fees for additional foods and drinks (except for foods and drinks included in the basic accommodation charges)(A service charge is included in the above additional fees.)
Taxes Consumption tax
Bathing tax

Note 1: The basic accommodation charges are based on the price list posted on the website of the Hotel and the price list of the Hotel prepared by travel agencies.
Note 2: The charges for children and the charges for infants are also based on the price lists set forth in the above Note 1.

Table 2: Cancellation Charges (relating to the paragraph 2 of the Article 6)

Time of Cancellation Time of Cancellation Amount of Cancellation Charges
On and after the date of accommodation 100% of the Basic Accommodation Charges
On and after the day immediately preceding the date of accommodation 50% of the Basic Accommodation Charges
On and after the 21st day to the 2nd day counted backward from the date of accommodation 30% of the Basic Accommodation Charges

Note 1: The above cancellation charges shall apply if the Guest directly reserves a room at the Hotel by phone or through its website, etc. If the Guest uses any travel agency or online booking website, the cancellation charges designated by such travel agency or online booking website shall apply.